Rumina Onac

is ready to No Meat May!


No Meat May is a 31-day challenge to inspire and support more people to shift to plant-rich eating.

I’ve joined a legendary community from all around the world; people who are doing something great for their physical and emotional health and wellbeing, as well as helping the planet's eco-system. We know that the climate crisis and the health crisis are totally intertwined, so if we improve one, we improve the other too!

Please join our team 'Old School Medical Practice' to make every meat-free meal count! Thanks

My Achievements

Joined No Meat May

Updated profile picture

Created a new team

Shared to social media

Added a blog post

Uploaded 4 fave recipe pictures

Received first donation

Made a self-donation

Reached 50% of fundraising target

Reached 100% of fundraising target

Increased fundraising target

Raised $300, got the t-shirt!