End Factory Farming
Stop Factory Farming

Factory farming is the number one cause of animal cruelty. You can help end it.

We are grossly abusing our power over other animals.

Pigs, cows, chickens, fish, and other animals raised for food suffer miserably on modern farms where profit is the name of the game. 

Laws that protect dogs and cats specifically exclude farmed animals from most protection. As a result, blatant abuse is now standard practice on farms both large and small.

โ€‹By changing our behaviour, and educating those around us, we can create positive change for animals. Together we will end factory farming.

Animal cruelty is the price we pay to be able to eat cheap meat, eggs and dairy three times a day. 

Male piglets shriek in pain as their testicles are ripped out & their sensitive tails cut off without painkillers. 

Cows bred for milk live through a constant cycle of pregnancy, birth, and milking until their bodies give out or their milk production is no longer profitable, at which point they are turned into ground beef.

In ‘indoor’ dairy facilities, a dairy cow’s movement is restricted. Day in day out, she is housed on hard artificial surfaces or lies on a ‘bed’ of recycled manure.

Hens used for eggs are crammed by the thousands into windowless sheds. Their sensitive beaks are seared off, and many develop painful bleeding prolapses that go untreated.

Fish are suffocated, skinned, and dismembered, often while still conscious and able to feel pain. Fish suffer severely from intensive confinement, with tens of thousands crammed into one tank. Amongst a series of illnesses, fish often lose their eyesight from the toxic water and become infected with parasites.

Question what you are being fed.

It is legal to cut body parts off conscious animals in factory farms... without pain relief. 
Yet it is illegal to capture and show footage of what happens inside factory farms. 

Why is animal cruelty legal?

In Australia, cutting the tail off a dog is a crime, but cutting the tail off a lamb is just business. Cutting pieces off animals bodies has simply become an accepted part of doing business.

And with governments prioritising economic interests over animal welfare, it is only the fear of losing sales that will motivate change.

Through what we buy or choose not to buy, we have the power to make change. You can let these animal industries know - while they continue to inflict terrible suffering of animals, you won't buy their products. 

How we kill chickens

When we see chicken meat or eggs in the supermarket we are seeing only the very end of an individual chickens journey.

To truly comprehend what we're eating, we need to understand the short life they lived and the nature of the death they endured.

Only then can we decide whether to endorse these systems or to support a kinder world for animals by choosing not to use them for food. 

Fascinating Fish Facts

Fish have tastebuds on the outside of their bodies๐Ÿ˜ฏ

They can detect electric currents. Many see more colors than humans can perceive, others are able to see multiple fields of vision simultaneously.  Their sensory lives are rich, complex and vivid.

So if fish feel pain and experience emotions, including fear, what does this mean for the way we kill the fish we eat for dinner?

Why pigs killed for meat are sent to gas chambers

Pigs are social animals, they can read each other's emotional state. If a pig is eagerly anticipating something other pigs will get excited too. If a pig is scared or in pain, others will become distressed.

They like each other's company and become upset if separated from other pigs - add to this their high intelligence and you get a highly complex empathetic animal.

But for the meat industry all of these things that make pigs unique also make them difficult to efficiently kill. 

Factory farms creating a Global health crisis

Scientists estimate Antibiotic Resistance could be killing 10 million people a year by 2050. That's more lethal than cancer is today.

With every passing year, these medical weapons are becoming less effective at fighting infectious bacteria - because we have flooded the world with antibiotics, and bacteria are quickly becoming immune to everything we throw at them. 

The main culprit is animal agriculture. We know that there's a very tight link between the tonnage of antibiotics used in agriculture, and the emergence of resistance.

The reality of factory farming

A look behind the closed doors of modern factory farms, hatcheries and slaughter plants, reveals the journey than animals make from farm to fridge.

The price of eggs

She can't stretch her wings. She can't go outside or feel the sun on her back.

One of the hens most fundamental desires is to build a nest and lay her eggs in private. But in factory farms they are forced to eat, sleep and lay their eggs in a crowded cage. 

At hatcheries, most chicks destined for factory farms have part of their beaks cut off. Birds beaks are filled with nerves, yet this is done without pain relief.

Why kill baby male chicks?

Of course only female chickens lay eggs - so what happens to all the male chicks born into the egg industry?

The egg industry does the only thing that makes economic sense to them. They kill more than 12 million a year in Australia alone, usually on their first day of life.

The egg industry, caged, free-range & organic uses two main methods to kill male chicks. The first is gassing chambers, which rendered chicks unconscious using carbon dioxide. The other method of killing which the industry considers most efficient is called maceration or shredding.

Underwater factory-farms

A glimpse inside the cruel and unnatural world of salmon aquaculture.

Conditions are so filthy that fish are vaccinated to prevent the spread of disease. F
ungus and parasites grow in clumps on eggs and on fish, with fungus eating away at the faces of these fish.

The fish who survive these putrid and unnatural conditions are then transported to another location where they will finish growing to be slaughtered for human consumption. 

Help end Live Export

The export of live animals is a cruel business that makes a few people a lot of money.  

Australian Corporations ship over 2.7 Million animals each year to around 20 countries. 

Australians are outraged by the cruelty of this industry and it was banned back by the Gillard Government in 2011. Many people are unaware that this ban was overturned and that the cruelty continues.  

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